
2007年6月17日 星期日


A polish man who spent 19 years in a coma has woken up and will now have to adapt to a country where the communists are no longer in power, a television station announced Friday.
Railwayman Jan Grzebski fell into a coma after he was hit by a train in 1988, the private channel Polsat said. In an interview, Grzebski said that he owed his survival to his wife, Gertruda. "She's the one who always took care of me. She saved my life," he said. Grzebski was a father of four at the time of the accident. He is now making the acquaintance of 11 grandchildren. Doctors had not expected Grzebski to survive, let alone emerge from the coma.
"What amazes me today is all these people who walk around with their mobile phones and never stop moaning. I've got nothing to complain about," said Grzebski.
News clip from China Post June 3, 2007
沈睡了19年, 在一個完全不一樣的世界中醒來, 時代變了, 兒孫也滿堂了, 劇情實在太像美國文學中The Legend of Rip Van Winkle的故事了,然而這卻是二十一世紀的真人實事,不曉得他對電腦及網路所帶給人們生活的巨大改變有何感想?
