
2007年8月28日 星期二


             合歡山上的台灣野百合 〈Taiwan lily〉

scam  詐騙〈動詞及名詞〉

fraud  騙局,假貨〈名詞〉

a fraud / scam 詐騙事件

a fraud call  詐騙電話

fraudulent organizations = a ring of swindlers  詐騙集團

165 anti-fraud hotline  165反詐騙專線

2007年8月27日 星期一



『拍馬屁』英文用kiss up to sb,指拍某人的馬屁,阿諛某人。

『打小報告』英文用tattle on sb,指告某人的狀,也可以簡單的用tell on sb。

2007年8月26日 星期日

News about obesity 有關肥胖的新聞

News about obesity

A common virus that causes colds can be a factor in obesity, according to a study released Monday.

The declining estrogen levels associated with menopause can interfere with metabolic processes leading to weight gain, US researchers said.


碧潭潭邊的七里香 更多照片在: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/littlelily8

2007年8月23日 星期四

一直在下雨keep raining

陽光下的蜘蛛網 (The spider web in the sun)



Recently, it keeps raining and thundering in the afternoon.

Going out becomes a real nuisance.

2007年8月21日 星期二

News English 8/21

dysentery 痢疾

diarrhea 腹瀉

The U.S. Subprime mortgage crisis:美國次級房貸危機



the ractopamine-containing pork:含瘦肉精的豬肉

(“Ractopamine is a drug that is used as a feed additive to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat.” English explanation from

2007年8月19日 星期日

How desirably one wishes time will stay or pass...

Slowly but surely one becomes old.

Quickly and surely time goes by.

How amazingly one moment could change a life,
and how desirably one wishes time will stay or pass...

2007年8月18日 星期六

relevant or reverent?有意義的或是虔誠的?

relevant or reverent?


relevant 相關的,有意義的。 相反詞:irrelevant 。
reverent 恭敬的,虔誠的。 相反詞:irreverent。(所以reverend是牧師的意思)

That's irrelevant. 那是不相關的。
That's irreverent. 那是不敬的。

2007年8月17日 星期五

News English 時事單字

News English 時事單字

         ( 日本東京上野動物園盛開的櫻花)

1. file for 上訴
 appeal 上訴 (動詞+against/to)
 acquittal 宣告無罪 (名詞)

 Hou plans to file High Court appeal against Ma's acquittal.

2. eyelash眼睫毛
 mascara 睫毛膏

 DOH bans online sales of two Korean eyelash mascara brands.

英文例句選自2007/8/17, The China Post, Page 16, 英文中國郵報, 第十六版

2007年8月14日 星期二

news about health


Drinking coffee and exercising may prevent skin cancer by killing off cells damaged by the sun's UVB radiation.(7/31)

Moderate physical activity, such as going for a stroll, generates new brain nerve cells, according to new research.(7/31)

Drinking three or more cups of coffee a day may cut the risk of colon cancer in women by half, said Japanese scientists. (8/2)

Some laser printers emit health-damaging particles at a rate similar to cigarettes, researchers in Australia found. (8/3)

中英文資料來源:The China Post 英文中國郵報,7/31,8/2,8/3

2007年8月12日 星期日

碧潭半日遊 Bitan trip


Bitan is a good place to go for a stroll.
In this cloudy and windy afternoon,
visitors are fewer than the usual,
and the birds are coming to perch at the bank.

更多照片More photos: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/littlelily8

2007年8月10日 星期五

English about rain 有關雨的英文

rain 雨,下雨

rain drop 雨滴

drizzle 毛毛雨(動詞)

rain shower 陣雨

downpour 豪雨(動詞)
heavy rain, torrential rain 大雨 ( 名詞)

rainy season 雨季

rain storm 暴風雨

precipitation 降雨量
It's raining cats and dogs. 雨下得非常大。
(=It's raining hard.)
It looks like rain. 好像要下雨的樣子。

flash flood 突然、短暫的水災

2007年8月9日 星期四

The movie "The Simpsons" is coming.

The movie of my favorite cartoon "The Simpsons" is coming this Friday!
A reflection of ordinary American life, always entertaining and touching, "The Simpsons" is my anti-depressant and my number-one choice of ways to learn English.

2007年8月8日 星期三

English about typhoon

tropical depression: 熱帶性低氣壓

tropical storm: 輕度颱風

typhoon: 中度颱風

super typhoon: 強烈颱風

storm center: 颱風中心

track/ course: 路徑

outer perimeter:暴風圈外圍



"It was moving northwesterly directly toward the island at a speed of 20km per hour, and packing maximum sustained winds up to 234kph.” (The China Post, 2007/8/17, P1)

2007年8月7日 星期二

卓蘭家的小花園(The beautiful garden in Jhuolan's home)

(This flower actually is really small, but it's so bright in the sun.)

(the sky view through the corner of the garden--the red long flowers look really like giant caterpillars)

淡紫的小花(a light purple flower)

(a close shot of a purple flower)

(common white-and-yellow flowers--still beautiful in full bloom)

2007年8月3日 星期五

Healthy diet is best way to beat the common cold

Healthy diet is best way to beat the common cold

Germany, dpa

Experts in Germany are agreed that maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to ward off the common cold and not by taking pills containing substances such as zinc and vitamin C.

“If somebody sneezes in your direction, it’s no use grabbing an anti-cold cure,” said Dietmar Krause of the German Green Cross in Marburg.

位於Marburg,德國綠十字會的Dietmar Krause說明:『如果有人朝你打噴嚏,馬上服用治感冒的藥是沒用的。』

Such medication can usually relieve the symptoms of a cold but is not able to prevent infection. A more effective way of warding off infection after having been sneezed at or shaken hands with someone who is already ill is simply to wash your hands and face thoroughly, said the expert.


Krause maintains that the most effective protection against colds is to boost he body’s own immune defense system.


(English article from The China Post,page 11, 2007/7/3)

(英文部分摘自英文中國郵報2007/7/3, 第11版)

2007年8月2日 星期四

historic and historical 的差別

  • historic 形容詞,指在歷史上有重大意義或在歷史上有重大影響的,

           如 historic war 歷史上著名的戰爭

  • historical形容詞,指與歷史有關的,或在歷史上真實發生存在過的,

           如 historical novel  歷史小說
注意,如果是historic novel指的就是影響歷史發展的重要鉅著,內容未必是歷史

而史前文化就是pre-historical culture