
2011年12月2日 星期五

lyrics of "Soldier, Soldier, Won't You Marry Me?"

最近在家和小小咪反覆地聽了不少兒歌, 其中有一首英文兒歌, 歌詞頗令人莞爾一笑

《Soldier, Soldier, Won't You Marry Me》

Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum Oh no sweet maid,

I cannot marry you for I have no hat to put on.

So off she ran to her grandmother's chest and she brought him a hat of the very, very best and the soldier put it on .

Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum Oh no sweet maid,

I cannot marry you for I have no coat to put on.

So off she ran to her grandmother's chest and she brought him a coat of the very, very best and the soldier put it on .

Soldier, soldier ,won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum Oh no sweet maid,

I cannot marry you for I have no trousers to put on.

So off she ran to her grandmother's chest and she brought him a pair of trousers of the very, very best and the soldier put them on .

Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum Oh no sweet maid,

I cannot marry you for I have no shoes to put on.

So off she ran to her grandmother's chest and she brought him a pair of shoes of the very, very best and the soldier put them on .

Soldier, soldier, won't you marry me with your musket, fife and drum Oh no sweet maid,

I cannot marry you for I have a wife of my own
