如何對抗頭痛 (Headache: how to fight it)
資料來源:中國郵報2007,6,3 (news clip from China Post June 3, 2007 )
1.多多喝水 (Drink lots of water) 脫水是頭痛發生的主因之一;血液運送到細胞的氧會減少(Dehydration is one of the main reasons for a headache; blood transports less oxygen to cells )
2. 檢查牙齒 (Check teeth) 牙齒或下顎位置不對可能會引起頭痛 (Wrong position of teeth or jaws can cause headaches )
3. 血糖值 (Blood sugar level) 定時進食,以免體內血糖降低;富含鎂的食物能舒緩頭痛(Eat regularly to avoid drop in blood sugar level; food rich in magnesium relaxes )
4.冷刺激 (cold shock) 散熱包或碎冰塊能舒緩頭痛 (Cooling pads or crushed ice can relieve pain )
5.避免引發頭痛的食物 (avoid food triggers) 乳酪,紅酒,巧克力,豬肉,堅果與部分添加物可能會引起頭痛 (Cheese, red wine, chocolate, pork, nuts and some additives can trigger pain )
6.運動 (Exercise) 騎自行車,慢跑,游泳與走路等戶外運動,能阻止頭痛發生;每週運動三次,每次30分 (Outdoor exercise, such as cycling, running, swimming, walking prevents headaches; 30 minutes, three times a week )
7.脊椎按摩 (Chiropractor)頸椎易位可能造成緊繃 (Displaced cervicals can cause tension)
8.指壓按摩 (acupressure) 按摩太陽穴或其他疼痛部位 (Massage temples or press other pain points )
9.暖暖身子 (warm up) 把加熱的枕頭放在頸部;用吹風機做熱風按摩;泡個熱水澡 (Put heated pillow on the neck; use a blow dryer for a hot air massge; take a warm bath )
10.芳香療法 (aromatherapy)將薄荷油滴在太陽穴與額頭 (Put peppermint oil on temples and forehead )
11.避開陽光 (avoid the sun) 頭痛的人通常對光很敏感;日光浴可能導致身體吸收過多熱量 (People with headaches tend to be sensitive to light; sunbathing can heat up body too much. )
12.放清鬆 (relax) 學習對抗壓力的技巧(例如循序放鬆肌肉的活運)(Learn techniques to fight stress (such as progressive muscle relaxation)
13.來一杯咖啡 (time for coffee) 咖啡因能加速血液循環,送往細胞的氧增加 (Caffeine intenifiles blood circulation, oxygen transport to cells increases )
14.阿斯匹靈(Aspirin) 水楊酸能減輕頭痛 (Acetysalicylacid relieves pain.)