星期五在台北上班前看到U PAPER 在介紹老家彰化的有名肉包店
This Friday on my way to work in Taipei, I read a U Paper introduction of a famous meat dumpling store located in my hometown, Chunghwa city.

在彰化有名的永樂街夜市? 小時候常去吔!正好要回去,和老哥一起去品嚐美食吧!
In the famous night market? I used to visit there a lot. Since I was going home, I invited my brother to try together.

At about 1 o'clock pm, I thought there would be a lot people lining but it wasn't. However, the customers came one by one.

該店的價目表 (真懷念小時候,那個肉包只要10元的年代)
The price list of the store ( I did miss the time when a meat dumpling cost only NT$10. )

The dumpling with mushroom and meat inside

香氣四溢 ...

不知不覺已經吃了三口了, 很好吃,味道感覺很像台東的纏記東河包子,內餡肉咬起來的口感不錯!
