Healthy diet is best way to beat the common cold
Germany, dpa
Experts in Germany are agreed that maintaining a healthy diet is the best way to ward off the common cold and not by taking pills containing substances such as zinc and vitamin C.
“If somebody sneezes in your direction, it’s no use grabbing an anti-cold cure,” said Dietmar Krause of the German Green Cross in Marburg.
位於Marburg,德國綠十字會的Dietmar Krause說明:『如果有人朝你打噴嚏,馬上服用治感冒的藥是沒用的。』
Such medication can usually relieve the symptoms of a cold but is not able to prevent infection. A more effective way of warding off infection after having been sneezed at or shaken hands with someone who is already ill is simply to wash your hands and face thoroughly, said the expert.
Krause maintains that the most effective protection against colds is to boost he body’s own immune defense system.
(English article from The China Post,page 11, 2007/7/3)
(英文部分摘自英文中國郵報2007/7/3, 第11版)