
2011年7月22日 星期五

育嬰假的英文;留職停薪的英文; 產假的英文

育嬰假 parental leave

育嬰假 take parental leave

留職停薪 leave without pay ( or unpaid leave)

育嬰津貼 parental subsidy

投保薪資的六成 60 percent of an employee’s insurance salary

請假前前六個月的平均薪資 average salary ahead of his or her parental leave

可領六個月的津貼 receive a subsidy for a maximum of six months during unpaid parental leave

申請者小孩必須在三歲以下 applicants with children under three years of age

產假 maternity leave

receive about eight weeks of paid maternity leave
